Time to Get Outside! Top Ten Places to Start Spring

Spring is nature's way of saying let's party. -- Robin Williams Spring? Getting outside? Really?!? Yes, we mean it.  Although the last couple of weeks have...

Where to Watch March Madness Locally

There is something truly special about college basketball. Especially March Madness. Its fundamental egalitarianism extends to all levels. Small schools against large, bracket busters,...

A Fresh Look at Fish for Lent

For many children, fish on Fridays is the bane of their childhood lives. In fact, the same is true for many adults. It may...

Continuing Education Resources: At Home Edition

The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay. –Henry Ford, Founder of Ford...

Donuts! The Breakfast of Champions

Donuts. Is there anything they can’t do? --Matt Groening Donuts. Or, if you prefer, doughnuts. Spelling hardly matters. These amazing concoctions of dough and flavorings have...

Last Minute Gifts Our Local Top 10

There are those among us who have their holiday shopping done by Independence Day. You know the ones. For the rest of us, finding...

It’s Fat Tuesday 2022… Paczki Day!

Fat Tuesday 2022 aka Paczki Day is here! We've scoured Northwest Ohio, Toledo, and Greater Detroit bakeries so you can get the best Paczkis.

Valentine’s Day Guide

Well, There’s The Usual Things: Flowers… Chocolates… Promises You Don’t Intend To Keep…   --Cogsworth, The Beauty and The Beast There are so many ways to say...

Midsummer Things to Do: All Age Friendly Edition

It can be hard to find things to do that cross generations. For many families, especially when guests are visiting, looking for affordable, accessible,...

Top Ten Local Golf Courses

Golf is good for the soul. You get so mad at yourself you forget to hate your enemies. --Will Rogers We all watch the Masters or...

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