Glass City Content

Glass City Generated Content. Articles, tips, recipes, and other content submitted from our readers and around the region.

Walking on Sunshine, Communities

There is hardly a person in our community that has not been positively impacted by Sunshine Communities. This iconic local organization for individuals with...

Talking the Talk

Debby Peters has heard it least when it comes to networking conversations. The Founder of Connext Nation and one of the region’s leaders...

Midstory Takes the Lead

By Sarah Bania-Dobyns Brain Drain? Urban Flight? Who really wants to live around here if they don’t have to? The answer to the last question,...

15 Minute Magic

By Sarah Bania-Dobyns Life is too short to not have fun; we are only here for a short time compared to the sun and the...

Bringing Health and Care Back to Medicine

The dedicated doctor knows that he must be both scientist and humanitarian; his most agonizing decisions lie in the field of human relations. —...

Back to School for Everyone

When we see school busses, flashing school zone signs and kids of all ages lugging back packs twice a day, most of us feel...

It’s Easy Being Green

The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved --Richard Rogers If you are of...

Fixing Lake Erie, One Hack at a Time

For many of us, clean water is so plentiful and readily available that we rarely, if ever, pause to consider what life would be...

Local Illustrator Flies Solo

Being an artist is a constant battle between knowing ones strengths and daring to venture forth in a new direction. Local illustrator Kyle Csortos...

Transmission Trust

By Chris Watson  Cars are not what they use to be. Computers, GPS, self-parking, battery assist (or hybrid drive), plus collision alarming, over-the-line warning and...

Glass City Generated Content

Articles, tips, recipes, and other content submitted from our readers and around the region.

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