Glass City Content

Glass City Generated Content. Articles, tips, recipes, and other content submitted from our readers and around the region.

Canine Assist

By Chris Watson Dogs have been a part of our lives for a long time. The oldest documented association between humans and dogs is a...

Kindness Incognito

Blessings in Disguise Bridges the Assistance Gap By Chris Watson Sometimes we need a little help. Not a long-term loan, not a new car, not a...

Back to Healing Basics

Building Connections to Our Bodies and Selves with Essential Oils By Chris Watson Ever used Vick’s Vaper Rub? How about Blistex? A cup of mint tea...

Health Care Direct

Whole Family Medical Care Brings Relationships Back to Medicine By Chris Watson Nothing is more personal than our heath. In the days of direct family and...

Floral Impact

In Bloom Flowers Arranges Memories That Last By Chris Watson When was the last time you received flowers? How about the last time you gave them?...

Healing Horses and Humans

The Healing Barn Opens its Doors to Horses and People By Chris Watson Nestled near Millbury Ohio is a farm with a large barn. Inside of...

All In The Family

Comfort Keepers Sets High Standards for In Home Care By Chris Watson Many businesses adopt the mantle of family. Terms like family owned, family driven, and...

Backyard IT

By Chris Watson On the list of least likely places to find a managed IT services company?  Waterville, OH. Running this locally owned but globally...

The Positive Side of Grief

By Denise Stump Publisher's note: Although Memorial Day is a time, traditionally, to recognize those who have fallen in combat for many it is also...


By Chris Watson Nothing bespeaks of credibility like someone who uses a product they sell. For Deb Yeagle, ASEA has solved a host of problems...

Glass City Generated Content

Articles, tips, recipes, and other content submitted from our readers and around the region.

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Staying in Touch

Backyard IT

Transmission Trust

Women Mean Business