Shoppers on Site , RSL’s weekly round up of products, deals, and what looks good at our local markets.

Get Your Chili Dogs Here!!!

Chili dogs. A cold k-9 companion or a delicious summer treat. For the purpose of this article, we're going to focus on the later....

Shoppers on Site, Independence Day Edition!

By RSL Staff Let's face it, our area is blessed with some great local markets. This week we visited Walt Churchill's Market at Briarfield, Sautter's...

Shoppers on Site: Fall is Here Edition

By Chris Watson On Monday of this week it might as well have been August. For you baseball fans it was more All Star Break...

Greater Toledo Shopping Guide

It is here!  RightSizeLife.com is proud to publish its annual local holiday shopping guide. These aren't just businesses...they are neighbors. Join the growing movement...

Shoppers on Site: Year End Edition!

By Candace Byington Parties, football, top 100 countdowns. The new year is upon us. There are so many great markets that will provide us almost...

S.O.S. {Shoppers on Site} 7/22/16 The Veggie Edition

This week we wanted to show how much our great local markets support our local growers.  We looked at The Anderson's, with its three...

S.O.S. {Shoppers On Site} Getting Ready for Halloween Edition 10/7/16

By Candace Byington and Chris Watson It is time plan our Halloween!  This week we take a spin around some of the areas great seasonal...

Restaurant Week Toledo!

By Chris Watson There are people with otherwise chaotic and disorganized lives, a certain type of person that's always found a home in the restaurant...

Shoppers on Site: Off the Beaten Path

By Nida Ammar and Chris Watson Our area is blessed with tasty sprinkling of small local markets. Sure, using words like "tasty" and "sprinkle" might...

S.O.S. {Shoppers on Site} 7/15

We looked at three great markets this week.  Fresh Market, Sautter's, and The Anderson's (Maumee).  All had beautiful summer bounty as the fresh is...

Shoppers On Site

S.O.S. is Right Size Life's weekly round up of products, deals, and what looks good at our local markets.

Popular S.O.S.