Salad Bar Soup
By Chris Watson
Soups are good food, That isn’t just a tag line, it is a fact. With cold and flu season, general wet and...
Cool Summer Suppers
By Chris Watson
It is hot, sticky, and an “air you can wear” kind of day. When we are hungry and tired all we can...
Poaching Chicken
By Chris Watson
For many of us, the minute we see the words “2 cups cooked chicken” we sigh in frustration. We know that we...
And Potato Salad For All
By Chris Watson
It is a staple of summer. It has a million variations. Everybody’s grandmother made some special version that people have tried to...
Brownies for 2
Nothing is better than something scratch baked. Even with a plethora of great commercial bakeries, there is something about baking in our own kitchen...
Mashed Potatoes for One (Written)
By Chris Watson
When the weather is cold, dark, damp, and dreary nothing helps us cope like comfort food. Not snack food but homey, rib...
Rice Two Ways
By Chris Watson
Rice is, by far, the most under rated and underutilized staples in American kitchens. Why? Because we have, via our food lexicon,...
A Ham in the Kitchen
“The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs. The chicken is involved; the pig is committed.” — Martina Navratilova
When we live...
Poaching Chicken
By Chris Watson
For many of us, the minute we see the words “2 cups cooked chicken” we sigh in frustration. We know that we...
Biscuits for Two (Written)
One of the most delightful things to add to any meal, breakfast, lunch, or dinner, is a biscuit. And by biscuits we mean the...