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Shoppers on Site: Pizza Take Out Edition

By Chris Watson Pizza is good any time of the year. However, when fall kicks in, school is in full swing, football rages, and summer...

Local Breakfast Places Make Breakfast (over) Easy

I went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So, I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance. --Steven Wright It seems like everyone...

Candy for Grown Ups

By Chris Watson Do not even try and deny it...you eat what ever candy is in the candy bowl at Halloween. If you have kids,...

Cool Summer Suppers

By Chris Watson It is hot, sticky, and an “air you can wear” kind of day. When we are hungry and tired all we can...

Right Size Vacuum Sealing

When most people are asked why they picked up “take out” on the way home their response is simple:  “I didn’t have anything to...

Day Tripping!

By Chris Watson Northwest Ohio has great attractions. Cedar Point, The Toledo Zoo, Maumee Bay State Park, Toledo Museum of Art...the list is pretty extensive....

Top Ten Local Coffee Roasters

Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. --Ann Morrow Lindbergh For some, coffee is a mere necessity....

Got Class?

By Nida Ammar There is a cure for anti-aging that actually works--it's called lifelong learning Robin S. Sharma What is the most magical time of the year?...

Dining Outdoors Top Twenty Places

There is something about outdoor dining. First, it is the unique privilege of summer (or at least warm weather). Sure, you can shiver your...

Musical Innovation

By Chris Watson “Believe it or not, a little town in northwest Ohio is one of the liveliest spots for new music in the whole...

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