A Blissfully Short Month

By Chris Watson ...such a February face, So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness. --Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare There are reasons why February is short...good...

A Change of Venue: Tips for Downsizing

Arlene Gerig is an expert. To be sure, she is a longstanding area real estate agent with RE/MAX Preferred Associates. She knows the market...

Food, Fairs, Festivals and Frivolity

Festivals are the best because you can't control anything, and for a control freak like me, that's a wonderful experience. -- Jack Garratt Here in...

How to Survive Children – Indoor Edition

Oh, being stuck inside with kids! Whether it is summer rain, winter snow or a spring cold snap, I look forward to those days...

Indoor Fun: Sports, Sporting and Trivia Edition

Many human beings say that they enjoy the winter, but what they really enjoy is feeling proof against it. --Richard Adams Yes, that is a nip...

A Fresh Look at Fish for Lent

For many children, fish on Fridays is the bane of their childhood lives. In fact, the same is true for many adults. It may...

Local Networking Made Easy

The most effective way to do it, is to do it. - Amelia Earhart In a business, the word “networking” is to professional relationships as...

Super Local Super Bowl Snacks

When the first whistle blows to open Super Bowl LV there are three things that, hopefully, everyone will be talking about: The Teams (who...

Working for a Living: The Local Job Hub

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. —Theodore Roosevelt In an information world...

Celebrate Spring Locally… Finally!

Given the weather in Northwest Ohio, “spring” is a flexible season. After all, we got four inches of snow in the third week of...

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