2019 Coffee Quest 419! – Top 13 Coffee Houses

Local Coffee Houses and Roasters Band Together for a Caffeinated Romp Through the Region

2019 Coffee Quest 419 Coffee Houses
Kids are meeting in coffee shops and basements figuring out what’s unsustainable in their communities. That’s the future.

– Ian Somerhalder


Let’s be honest, coffee houses are cool. They are hip, kicky, funky, posh, edgy, haute, urban, and a whole host of other adjectives that basically denote “not boring.” To be presented with a month-long vehicle to explore the region’s coffee and tea temples is a godsend.

“Basically,” says Krisi Vadnais from The Bard’s Coffee in downtown Perrysburg, “the only quest involved is exploration. The whole goal is to get away, at least once, from the comfort zone of your local coffee hang out and explore all the great places our area has to offer. Every coffee house is unique; why not discover their charm?”

Long a source of “rebels”, this 17th-century English petition is like a call to arms for this year’s Coffee Quest. Source: ineedcoffee.com

Entering its second year, Coffee Quest 419 is a banding together of great local coffee houses and roasters in rebellious solidarity by offering the coffee, tea and treat devotee a reason to wander. All you need to participate is to pick up a stamp card at one of the participating businesses and start your quest.

In a world that is trying to turn coffees, lattes, espressos, and basically every other cool drink into nothing but a trendy fast food option, our local coffee houses stand vigil in servicing great local roasts and drinks. So join the quest! And don’t forget to check in on social media at each stop along the way. As with all local businesses, your support goes a long, long way.

See you around town! I like Cortados…

2019 Participants in Coffee Quest 419

Begin Your Coffee House Quest

WHAT: A quest for local coffee around the 419
WHO: All you coffee loving 419-ers
WHEN: May 1, 2019 through May 31, 2019
WHERE: 13 coffee shops around the Toledo area: Black Kite Coffee, BREW coffee bar, Dragon’s Roost, Flatlands Coffee, Glass City Roasters, Maddie & Bella Coffee Roasters, Maddie & Bella Coffee Roasters, Plate One, PLATE 21, Rustbelt Coffee, The Bard’s Coffee, SIP COFFEE, and The Flying Joe.
WHY: Because it’s super fun to support local, drink coffee, hang out with friends, and earn an awesome t-shirt to say you did so.

THE QUEST: Visit 12 of the 13 participating shops during the month of May to complete your quest. All quest winners will receive a one of a kind comfy 2019 Coffee Quest 419 shirt from our friends at Jūpmode.

THE DEETS: Start at any shop you choose on the list and grab your tour ticket (punch card). Make a purchase and have them stamp your card. There are 12 spots for stamps and 13 shops. Visit 12 shops to collect 12 unique stamps to complete your quest. When finished, turn in your card to any of the shops – be sure to fill in your name, email and shirt size, and follow the Coffee Quest 419 Facebook page for updates. When they are ready, you’ll be able to pick your t-shirt at Jupmode on Adams Street downtown. Also, be sure to track your progress on Facebook and Instagram and use the hashtag #coffeequest419 for your chance to win prizes during the Quest!

OTHER FAQ: Each Maddie & Bella, as well as Plate One & Plate 21, may count as a separate stamp. There is no set order in which you need to complete the stops. We won’t have an exact date when the shirts will be available, as we wait until everyone completes the quest and then order the appropriate sizes from Jupmode.