Haunted Houses Ohio and Michigan 2022

Our Area Guide to Haunted Houses in Ohio & Michigan 2022

A Haunted House in Ohio

It is time for haunted houses in Ohio and Michigan to return in all their scary glory. Haunts and haunted attractions are roaring back to life…or death as the case may be. You can find all the dates for 2022 on our haunted attractions calendar. If you’re looking for interesting insight on these attractions or a complete list of locations proceed, if you dare.

We Love To Be Scared

There is a reason why Halloween is popular: we like being scared. A recent CBS News Poll bears this out. One in two Americans like scary movies. If you are under 45, the numbers skew toward 60%. With that kind of support it is surprising we don’t celebrate Halloween year round.

Things get even crazier with this stat. According to Americanhaunts.com, Halloween has become the second biggest holiday of the year with over $7 billion spent annually on costumes, candy and Halloween specific activities. I think it’s fair to say, forget like, we love to be scared.

I Hate Being Scared

What about the other 40-50%? You know, the people that prefer to keep their heart in their chest and their vocal chords rested. We totally get it. Even a few of us here at Right Size Life prefer the slightly tamer form of entertainment. So don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. There are lots of things to do in the fall and our local entertainment calendar is chocked full of sedate activities. Plus our live music calendar has plenty of “safe” houses.

Haunts From Humble Beginnings

Haunted House QuoteThe haunted houses in both Ohio and Michigan are endless. Often times starting with simple beginnings many of these standing haunts are now full blown theatrical performances. With multiple nights and experiences, haunts across the region have become interactive attractions worthy not only of our attendance but our admiration.

In no small part, these staples of October are the season’s best entertainment values around. Many start as early as August auditions the walking dead. From serious actors to playful college students, haunted houses in Ohio and Michigan giving jobs to would be zombies and ghouls and all of the support staff they need to make hearts stop a beat.

However, for the brave and the foolish, listed below is our exhaustive list of scares, dares and evil lairs. From the simple to the sublime, our area offers up some of the country’s best haunts, ghouls, zombies, vampires, monsters…basically the whole costume aisle of gruesome, gross, and gaudy.

Let the scares and dares begin.

Scariest Haunted Houses in Ohio & Michigan

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