Working for a Living: The Local Job Hub announces the release of their local Job Hub.

RSL Job Hub

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. —Theodore Roosevelt

In an information world with dozens of job sites looming on our phones and tablets, it is hard to look for a job. To be sure, there are national companies trying to get you to move, to sell something, to begin “working from home for great money.” Regardless of the legitimacy of these national opportunities, they make looking for a new job is a chore.

Here at RSL, we are changing that. We think looking for a job should be just as local as getting your hair cut or buying fresh produce. After all, if you are looking for a new job then you are looking for a new start. Why not go to a great local source for your next employment opportunity?

Location, Location, Location

Like real estate, location in a job hunt is everything. Unfortunately, with large job sites like Facebook, Monster, and Indeed, you have to sort through so much to get to a job near you. Obviously, if you are looking (or willing) to relocate these sites are a great start to a search.

RSL’s new job hub still provides all of the information and functionality of the national companies but we keep the focus local. When you land on our Job Hub you can be confident that your searches will keep you right here along the western shores of Lake Erie. 

Besides staying local we promise to not allow (or delete) any jobs that are recruiting out of the region. We also promise to limit sponsorship to local companies, rather than accept national adverts for certifications or online college degrees. Like our Business Directory and Action Calendars, we help you stay focused on working, playing, and staying right here in our community.

A Joint Task

No job hunt involves one party. It involves the person looking for a job and the person offering the job. Our Job Hub offers an excellent way for local employers to advertise their openings, promote their businesses, and seek great local talent.

Here is the best part: Our Job Hub is absolutely free for both parties! Just like our action calendars and directory, there is no cost to the job seeker or for basic job listings. Although we offer ways to highlight and promote your company and employment opportunities, you can place a basic listing free of charge.

Our goal is to ensure that our readers and the community at large have the information they need to get and stay staffed. Providing a space for employers and job seekers to meet is an excellent way of supporting and helping grow our local community.

If you are an employer seeking new staffing please join us. And, no matter if you are seeking some additional income or looking for a serious change in career, why not start your search at the place that cuts through all the internet clamor.

The RSL Job Hub. No noise. Just good, local jobs.