Fish: Fresh or Fried

Things Get Fishy in Our Neighborhood

Fresh or Fried

I think fish is nice. But then again I think rain is wet, so who am I to judge. –Douglas Adams

Are you a Pescatarian? Before you delve too far into the vocabulary weeds a pescatarian is someone who doesn’t eat meat but does eat fish. And, regardless of your omnivore status, here in Northwest Ohio fish is much on the minds of our local residents. Sure, Lent brings out fish frys across the region. These local churches and venues may host the best fish eating around. Add to that a whole series of local restaurants that put their freshest fin forward for this time of the year.

Regardless of the eating of fish, March begins in earnest the Maumee River Run for Walleye. Catching said aquatic food stuffs is also on many residents’ agendas. The Maumee Walleye Run is one of the most underrated and undervalued regional activities of the year. Local tackle stores and suppliers are also “gearing up” to support all of those anglers who wait with “baited (or bated)” breath for the run.

Below is our list of resources for this piscine time of year.

Catholic Diocese Fish Fries: A great list of local Catholic churches who are hosting Lenten fish nights. Every parish has their own “specialty” so visit several.

VFW Post 2984 in Northwood: Why do we list it? Because someone sent us the info and told us it was great! Also, you have to love an advertisement that talks about every “Fry-Day” AND says their fish fry includes steaks, chicken and shrimp.

Sylvania Friday Fish Fry: Buttoning up the other end of town is American Legion Post #468. Check online for specific dates and times.

Walt Churchill’s Market: Fridays can be long and tiring. Sometimes you just want to go home. WCM has you covered with their Lenten Fish Frys starting at 4 PM.

Maumee River Walleye Run: A great website for information angling you own “catch of the day”. Check out their up to the minute river conditions.

Maumee Tackle & Fishing Outfitter: An icon in downtown and the epitome of a great local business. From beginner to pro these guys have you covered.

Anglers Supplies: Located in Freemont this local fishing supporter is a bit farther afield but well worth checking out.

Jann’s Netcraft: Serving the area since 1941, Jann’s is another great place to gear up. Also, it is near WCM Briarfield so if you strike out at the day you can still pick up dinner on the way home.