Shoppers on Site: Summer is Fading Edition

Local Markets Help with the End of Summer Blues

By Chris Watson

…and all at once, summer collapsed into fall.

– Oscar Wilde

There is so much about the end of summer to both morn and celebrate. Yes, it is getting dark pretty early. Yes, bees abound. And sure, school has started and work is back to the usual grind.

However, Labor day is the three day weekend we can revel in summer and enjoy, truly enjoy summer bounty. After all, everything, and we do mean everything, is available when it comes to produce. Even early season apples have arrived. So check out these local meat markets, groceries, and and farm markets as to go local during the long holiday. Enjoy the weekend and stay out of the heat and the mega marts. It can be brutal out there…

Tom Strain & Sons and Daughter Too

This iconic greenhouse on Reynolds road is always worth a visit for it’s freestanding produce market. A great place to get corn for your cook out plus veggies and fruit for end of summer salads. Finally, put this on on your map for fall produce, including pumpkins as they come in season.

Keil’s Produce and Greenhouse

Located on Airport near Swanton Keil’s is another one of “those” places that people talk about but many have never visited. We recommend you do so this long weekend. First, check out the web site which has one of our favorite website features called a local produce trending meter. It is just cool. So is their market and greenhouse. All the usual cast of characters at the farm market to keep your weekend in produce and flavor.

MacQueen’s Orchard

Just outside of town on Gunn and Garden road is MacQueen’s. Sure, they have apples (normally starting in mid September) but they also have peaches and a respectable farm market. Plus donuts…yes donuts. They are really good. Don’t wait for apple season. Take a trip this long weekend out to NW Ohio’s premier orchard and go exploring! And remember: donuts…

K&J/House of Meats

6 locations in the area, this is an straight up, stand alone, meat market.  Anything in a case to butcher “packs” for those with freezer capacity, K&J is grilling central.

Zavotski’s Custom Meats and Deli

Another old school butcher with two locations to serve us. One excellent twist, the wide variety of chicken burgers.

Walt Churchill’s Markets

With two locations and certainly more that just a meat market, WCM makes their own sausage and has their own smoke house.  If you are craving smoked meats without the fuss, this is a great place to start.  In house sausages, both pork and chicken, plus a respectable seafood department and deli round out one of our favorite markets in town.

Stanley’s Market

To say “icon” is an unjustly routine description of this go to market for kielbasa.  But don’t stop there. This is a full service small market that is as charming as it is functional. Bottom line, go to Stanley’s. Plus their website has the Polish word of the week…

Milo’s Food Market

Hidden, under appreciated and a great small market. Well worth a visit.

Erie Seafood Market

There is no denying that even finicky fish eaters will go for fish grilled. Erie Seafood is a bit of drive from those living south but it is well worth it.

Fresh Thyme and Fresh Market

Not strictly local but they specialize in meats that are raised and processed right.  For those looking for meat of the “free” variety, like hormone free or free range, these are two good markets to begin your search.


Although Monnette’s now carries some meats, this is the place to get everything else.  All three locations are excellent fruit and vegetable stores. Plus they aren’t bad green houses either.

Belleville Market

Located on Main Street in Bowling Green, the locals swear by the brats!

Cover image provided by Pixabay images.