Shoppers on Site: Irish Edition

Looking at local markets for things Irish and otherwise.

By Candace Byington and Chris Watson

There is no actual reason to wait for March enjoy things Irish or even green, but it seems easier. This week we cover four great markets who are helping us keep, stay, or get into an Irish mood. Many of the products we cover are routinely carried by these great markets. However, we thought we would pick a few to highlight the depth of the grocery experience across the local landscape. So enjoy the weekend and enjoy the Irish stuff. It is easy to get international right here in Northwest Ohio!

Sautter’s Market

In many respects, Sautter’s is one of the unsung heroes in the grocery epic of our area. This old school market, with locations in Sylvania and Waterville, is easy to navigate and carries all of the familiar items that small markets should carry. What makes them special is a solid deli, a fabulous bakery, and hidden local and eclectic items sprinkled throughout the usual cans of soup and boxes of cereal. This week we found all the usual Irish themed products, including soda bread, cheddar, cash and carry Jiggs dinners, stouts, and sausage. Plus check out the cookies and cookie slices. Yes, cookie slices. Those are a must.

Walt Churchill’s Market

St. Patrick’s Day is upon us. Soon most everyone will be wearing green, celebrating all that is green. Walt Churchill’s Market in Maumee is ready in full force! As soon as you enter, you will find that cabbage, their own soda bread and Irish cheeses are featured with little shamrock stickers attached. The produce department always has a great selection of kale, carrots and parsnips, essential ingredients to Irish side dishes. In the meat department there is lamb, Cornish game hens and of course bangers: Irish breakfast sausages that pair well with mash. There is no shortage of potatoes! The market features many varieties including tiny purple ones. If you are planning a party for the holiday the market offers a selection of craft beer and Irish whiskey. Don’t feel like cooking on St. Patrick’s Day weekend? The market features a jig dinner on Friday and Saturday! And don’t forget their Perrysburg location!

Fresh Market

Although not strictly local, there is no reason not to stop by Fresh Market. First, they do carry local products and they make a determined effort to do so. Second, they know how to get into the theme. Right off the bat they have an excellent meat counter and fish area. Perfect for Lent or St. Patty’s day. Second, they have a wide range of specialty products that allow you to venture forth into new culinary territory. Finally, their bakery has small sizes and quantities, making it easy to indulge in a treat without blowing a diet. You can also check out their selection of decorative plants and herbs.

Monnettes (Glendale)

Finding excellent cabbage and potatoes for your St. Patrick’s day feast is easier than finding a leprechaun at Monette’s on Glendale. The market has incredible fresh produce at reasonable prices. Who says your Irish feast must be strictly green? Check out their varieties of potatoes! They offer sweet potatoes, red and large purple ones. Parsnips, kale, onions and green beans are in abundance as well. While you’re there visit the deli for excellent cuts of meat and friendly service. Take home local wine and craft beers too. Don’t forget locations on Secor and on Reynolds!