Shoppers on Site: Fall is Here Edition

Fall Products arrive at Local Grocers

By Chris Watson

On Monday of this week it might as well have been August. For you baseball fans it was more All Star Break than Mr. October. Hot, muggy, miserable. Apple Cider and hot cocoa were far from our minds as we sucked down ice tea and sports drinks.

However, seasons change and that change brings the return of seasonal food favorites. Fortunately our local markets are better at anticipating our needs than the weather is at signaling them. Fall products have arrived in force! This week we cover great local icons Walt Churchill’s Markets, Sautter’s Markets, Monnette’s and MacQueen’s Orchards.

Walt Churchill’s Markets

3320 Briarfield Blvd, Maumee, Ohio

26625 N. Dixie Hwy, Perrysburg, Ohio

There is always so much to merit WCM. Their smokehouse, their wine area, their deli, their love of all things local. Amongst their eclectic shelves includes cocoas and teas that are well worth it to “up your hot chocolate game”. Plus check out their appropriate sized coffee syrups to place that flavor shot in your to go mug.

Sautter’s Markets

5519 Main Street  Sylvania Ohio

9533 Waterville Swanton Rd  Waterville Ohio

Sautter’s is one of the best hidden gems in the city. Sure, people in Sylvania and Waterville know of these compact and local product rich markets. However, they are well worth the drive from other areas to investigate. They always have cool stuff outside the markets that begin your journey. Then check out their bakery and deli. Finally, prowl the shelves for local  and regionally produced products. This week we found some great local coffee’s tucked away amongst the Folgers and Maxwell House.

Monnette’s Markets

2003 N Reynolds Rd, Toledo, OH

4760 Glendale Ave, Toledo, OH

5717 Secor Rd, Toledo, OH

Like any produce market, you would expect Monnette’s to cary local, and they certainly do. They also have a deep bench when it comes to deli products, which makes tailgating and school lunches a lot easier. Finally, all three locations have make an extensive effort to carry local grocery lines as well, making Monnette’s Markets one of the staunchest supporters of local products in the region.

MacQueens Orchards

7605 Garden Road (Gunn Road & Garden Road) | Holland, Ohio

Yes, local markets carry their apples and cider. However, why not go to the source. Pick your own, pick up a bag, and above all, pick up donuts. People drive for miles to grab one. MacQueens is a great local stop a fun afternoon. In some respects, they ARE fall!

One of many sites that will greet you outside at MacQueen’s Orchards