Top 10 Healthy Food Places

Local Markets and Shops Make Starting and Keeping Health Diets Easy


Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food


It used to be very hard to find good food. Not food, just good food. Organic, local, or any special diet products were relegated to one aisle in the mega-mart. These products were, in no particular order, expensive, sparse, and not very appetizing.

The problem is the dizzying array of terms that are now in our vocabulary when it comes to our diet. Besides the usual vegetarian, vegan, low carb and dairy-free, we now have a whole range of dietary choices that have joined the lexicon. Gluten-free, Keto, Paleo, Eat this not that, intermittent fasting, the Zone. Plus, the systems, like Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, SlimFast, Jennie…

Any list like this is intimidating. However, our local markets and merchants have your back. No matter if you are just set on eating clean or making major changes to your lifestyle, let our local health food experts and independent markets make your life better and easier.

10 Great Local Health Food Stores and Markets

Health Foods by Claudia’s: Certainly, one of the bedrocks of the natural food community, Claudia’s has been serving the area for over 16 years. Besides the usual health supplements and personal products, Claudia’s now has a full grocery line including grocery items, cleaning supplies, pet foods, deli and produce.

Monnette’s (Secor, Reynolds, Glendale): One of the best-known names for fruits and vegies, which a respectable deli to boot, Monnette’s may not have all organic products but they have a great variety of fruits and vegetables, are easy to shop at, and work hard to carry local products and produce when available. They are a must for any clean eating plan.

Bassett’s: Another great health food store with a 50-year history in the area. They have recently closed their south end store but their Secor store remains strong. This is a second-generation family-owned business with a wide variety of products to get your year started right and keep you on track.

Phoenix Earth Food Co-op:  A Co-operative business that specializes in organically grown, healthy and environmentally sound products and goods. It just doesn’t get more local than this. They also have an excellent selection of gluten-free products and a respectable bulk section.

Heath Yourself Perrysburg: Powders, oils, supplements, vitamins, weight loss…Health Yourself is the place to provide support no matter what system you are trying. They are knowledgeable, encouraging and carry enough products to match your needs. They have locations in both Perrysburg and Findlay.

Market on the Green: One of the hidden gems of downtown, Market on the Green is a full-service market offering fresh and healthy choices to the downtown community. Of course, drop by at lunch for some grab and go options. However, don’t hesitate to stop by and after work and do your grocery shopping.

Ciolino Fruit and Vegetable Market: Located in Temperance, MI (with a second location in Monroe) and operating for over 75 years, the Ciolino family has been providing great fruits and vegetables to the area for generations. They are known for providing excellent regionally produce along with stocking vegetables for world cuisine. If you are going healthy and need to stock up on your veggies, this is a must-visit.

Fresh Thyme Farmers Market: Yes, it is not locally owned. It is regional however and is an excellent resource for those who are looking for a larger supplier of heathy options, supplements, and groceries. They also have an excellent selection of bath and body products along with household cleaners. Also, check out their bulk section. Before you commit to a whole bag of a product for a recipe, try getting a smaller amount at FT and experiment.

Walt Churchill’s Market (Perrysburg, Briarfield): Certainly, one of the best know Americana markets in town, WCM’s two locations also carry a decent assortment of Gluten-Free and Organic products, particularly when it comes to staples like canned goods. They easily make any list of resources when moving toward a healthier lifestyle.

Sautter’s Markets (Sylvania, Waterville): Driving in the same lane as WCM, Sautter’s has made a determined effort to carry more health-conscious choices, including the ubiquitous organics and GF products. With two locations and a manageable size, they are way better than braving an entire mega mart for one small aisle of “health” foods.

Honorable Mention

Country Grains Bread Company: Many markets carry this bread but you can go and get it right from the source as well. We recognize that gluten and wheat and carbs, in general, are not necessarily on your diet, but for those looking to eat clean and local, Country Grains is a great resource.