S.O.S. {Shoppers on Site} 7/8/2016

Our regular feature highlighting local markets and services that cater to our sized households.

We took a good look at three markets this week.  There was so many great products that stood out that we stopped at three.  Both The Anderson’s and Monnettes have great selections this week with Monnettes getting a steady selection of locally sourced produce.  Fresh Market was our third market shop and we found great picks for the week.  Lots of selections this week as did a deep look around rather than a scan.  


There is almost too much locally sourced produce at Monnettes to mention.  Zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes, and cabbage just to get us started.  Plus check out the local the local desserts, gluten free wraps, smoked cheeses….a great week at Monnettes!  And don’t forget all three of their locations:  Reynolds, Secor, and Glendale.

The Anderson’s

This was a really good week at The Anderson’s.  Let’s start with blue cheese coleslaw, marinated shrimp skewers, knockwurst, and sherbet.  That may not be a coordinated summer menu but we are still for it.  A good week to look at their fish store in general, plus excellent produce selections this week.  We tried the apricots and they were perfect.  Remember they won’t be around long….

Fresh Market

Fresh Market may not be as local as some of our other great markets but we sure like it for our size household.  Great looking salmon, deli salads, creme brûlée cookies and something called “berry blast”.  Plus check out the mini angel food cakes!