S.O.S. {Shoppers on Site} 7/15

Our regular feature highlighting local markets and services that cater to our sized households.

We looked at three great markets this week.  Fresh Market, Sautter’s, and The Anderson’s (Maumee).  All had beautiful summer bounty as the fresh is finally starting to parade in from farms.

Fresh Market

One of the overlooked areas of Fresh Market is their floral/plant department.  Check out the mini sunflowers.  Plus interesting tonics, drinks, and produce.


We just couldn’t stop taking pictures this week at Sautter’s!  Cookie pizza, Schmucker’s mini pies, cherry juice, Michigan hibiscus and more and more and….We just love Sautter’s plus a second mention for Schmucker’s pies.

The Anderson’s

We also couldn’t stop ourselves from finding things at The Anderson’s.  Bacon ketchup, toaster cornbread, dessert cheese balls….Plus great local produce and so much more.