S.O.S. {Shoppers on Site} 4/28

Our regular feature highlighting local markets and services that cater to our sized households.

This week we continues our seeking out small, very specialized markets.  This week we visited Tee Oriental Food & Gifts at 1101 McCord, Toledo OH.  These types of markets are always adventures and Tee didn’t disappoint!  We also walked around The Anderson’s Market (Sylvania), Monnette’s (Glendale) and Sautter’s (Sylvania).

Tee Oriental Food & Gifts

There is almost too much to highlight in a market like this.  However, if you want some chop sticks that aren’t disposable, soy sauce bowls, or quail eggs, Tee Oriental Food & Gifts is your place.  In other words, you get the point on “too much” to highlight.


The Anderson’s 

The Anderson’s Market is always filled with taste and fun food.  Check out the sponge cake layers and let your imagination run wild with creme fresh or yogurt base with fruit toppings.  Red snapper is the fish pick of the week and House of Meats has upped its game in the sausage arena.



Check out a new Michigan Popcorn, Pop Daddy.  Also it is beginning to look like salad weather with beautiful peppers, green onions, and radishes.


Sautter’s is always a mix of fun a practical.  They have smaller can tuna on sale which is perfect for one or two sandwiches along with gorgeous oranges and bananas (best looking bananas we’ve found all week and they have been hard to find).  They also have a great selections of salad greens and a new product from Cayten’s granola and kettle popcorn from Big Dipper Foods out of Youngstown.