Flying (mostly) Solo

Twice monthly blog written by our staff on living in smaller families

A Blissfully Short Month

By Chris Watson ...such a February face, So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness. --Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare There are reasons why February is short...good...

Stranger in a Strange Land

By Robin Mahle An Outsider's Perspective on The Top Five Reasons to Call Toledo “Home” First impressions are important, and there’s a first time for everything....

Summer Lovin’

By Chris Watson “Summer lovin’ had me a blast… Summer lovin’ happened so fast…” --Grease, 1971 I fall in love every summer.  More accurately, I fall in love...

Our Own Backyard

Every time the weather breaks I have the same sense of adventure and gratitude since, not to put too fine a point on it,...

My Mother’s Cat Legacy

By Abigail Humphreys I am a CRAZY CAT LADY, and I come by it honestly.  In fact, I am proud of it.  In truth, it...

Half and Half: Two Perspectives on a Half Marathon

By Keith Bombrys and Chris Watson April 23rd, 2017 is the culmination of what, for around 8000 participants, has been weeks of training, sweating, working,...

Reluctantly Springing Forward

By Chris Watson There has been much ballyhoo about the recent time change. Much of this complaining has fallen under the current culture of “no...

Right Size Valentines

By Chris Watson It is hard to miss Valentine's Day. Not because every grocery store we walk into is replete with red, white and pink....

Winter Blahs

By Chris Watson Hanging an average of 93 million miles from us (one AU for you astronomy fans) is a star that burns 600 million...

Less Stop and More Go

Stop Making Excuses and Start Moving Today By Keith Bombrys Like most of working America, I spend a significant portion of my work tim day sitting....

Flying (Mostly) Solo

A twice monthly blog written by our staff on living in smaller families.

Popular Flying (Mostly) Solo

Vote Early Vote Always

Turkey for Two… Redux

A Big Game

Be My Grade School Valentine

Less Stop and More Go