Body, Mind, Spirit

Local Businesses and Trainers Help Keep You on Track in the New Year


Just because the dates change, does not mean you have to change. The continuous path towards self-improvement is a timeless process. 
― Brittany Burgunder

By RSL Staff

We all made resolutions on December 31st. From audaciously ambitious announcements to private yet purposeful proclamations, resolutions were made. Even the no longer humor “My resolution is to not make any resolutions” is, by definition, a resolution. Yes, January 1stof 2019 dawned and we had goals.

Now we are several weeks into our new year and, for many of us, those bold objectives may not be on track. Why? Mostly because we are toiling alone and in silence. As with all things that take effort, it is easy to slip into old habits or just procrastinate our way through Lent. In truth, our resolutions, whether minor modifications or life altering changes, should never be undertaken alone. Toiling in obscurity and silence makes the job exponentially harder.

Fortunately our local landscape is replete with help for getting back on track with our resolutions or, if you prefer, getting ready for spring. Below is a smattering of local businesses who offer a plethora of services. No matter if you had a physical fitness goal, a soulful desire, or an intellectual target, let our local practitioners help you get back on track.


There are lots of national chains that are gyms, all with varying degrees of plans and services. However, hiding in plain sight are several associations, centers, and facilities that are not as well known. Many we discard because we think they are not open to the public. Check out the list below for additional places to start or up your game.

YMCA and JCC:  YMCA’s and JCC are an excellent way to up to or back at a level of physical activity you desire. One of their greatest strengths is their high level of focus on family, with activities from toddler to senior.  Each branch has different programs and services. You can start here and use the map to locate the nearest you.

Community Center, Bowling Green: Don’t be fooled by the fact that this center is in BG; it is an amazing facility with a bunch of activities and opportunities for getting back in the swing of physical fitness. There are non-resident rates that are also affordable for those who live south of the Maumee river. They are worth checking out.

University of Toledo: If you are an alumni you might think of UT but even if you aren’t they have a great rec facility that does have public memberships. Located right in the center of town it is a genuine option for those seeking something different than the national gym experience. Rates, even for non-alum’s, are very reasonable.

BGSU Rec Center: The same opportunities that  are available at UT are available at BGSU rec facility.

Pure Barre: Although a national concept, Pure Barre studios are locally owned and run. This one is for the ladies and is a great concept in getting back to the type of fitness that you desire. With locations in both Toledo and Perrysburg, Pure Barre (and other like studios) are great ways of using the power of guided workouts with like-minded individuals to get back to our resolutions.

Embody: Although there are several great fitness trainers in our area, Embody combines several important elements, including personal (one on one) training, classes, assessments, and massage therapy. For the more serious they also have “boot camps” (which appear in other training programs) if you are feeling intense. It is hard to recommend just one personal trainer. However, they all have varying levels of expertise and experience. We recommend researching well.

Diet Support: There are so many ways to change our diet. We should start, of course, with our physician. Losing weight is a process with a lifestyle changing dynamic that demands support. Certainly there are local weight loss centers and various support groups. If you are serious about embracing weight loss getting help and encouragement should be at the forefront. If you are not connected to a medical system there are still options. Examples include the on line and face to face groups like TOPS Club, Inc which has both local and online meetings. All in dues and chapter fees are about the same as a Netflix monthly membership and they are not in the business of selling food or supplements.


We are truly blessed with a rich array of opportunities to improve skills or practice hobbies in our local community. Libraries are a good place to start but do not hesitate to check out some of these other amazing places to learn and grow. Our minds need as much “exercise” as our bodies and most of us don’t get that at work. There is no better time than early in a year to begin or return to lifelong learning.

BiG Fab Lab, Bowling Green: Part classroom space, part rental space, part studio, part workshop, all cool. The BiG Fab Lab is the answer to those who want to learn a new skill, craft, or art but are not yet ready to invest in all the tools. An amazing place to explore or, if you like, get back to something you love. For those of us who have downsized (or never upsized in the first place), the Lab is your garage workshop without the garage. This is a hidden diamond in the region.

577 Foundation, Perrysburg OH: The 577 foundation is another great place to explore a life time of learning. They have such an eclectic menu of crafting, arts, and other learning opportunities that a sentence or two won’t due justice. The best start is on their website. A word of caution: many class sizes are small and do fill up quickly. Planning ahead is a must.

Lourdes University, Sylvania OH: The lifelong learning program at Lourdes is unique in that there is no age requirement. As long as you are interested in learning, new experiences and taking your personal education in new directions, checking out the Lourdes high number of programs, trips, and classes is a great opportunity.

Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo Ohio: Any publication focused on the Greater Toledo Area has to mention TMA and we are no exception. What is so astounding about TMA isn’t that they have great opportunities to learn and grow, it is the sheer volume of those opportunities. When was the last time you took a guided tour? Or went and just WATCHED the glass artisans at work? Or take a project class? Or go to a small ensemble concert that are constantly tucked away in corners of visual rich galleries. Or taken the kids to a kids project day. We could go on and on but you get the idea. TMA is a immense resource posing majestically on Monroe St.

Foodology: Cooking is a part of our everyday life…which is why we eat out so much. Foodology is the place to begin a culinary adventure. Class sizes are 10-12 people and are themed and playful. Here is the best part: you get to eat the results. Everyone needs to eat…often. With some classes from Foodology a daily chore can turn into a lifetime of enjoyment.

The Art Supply Depot: With locations in both Toledo and BG, The Art Supply Depot is a great way of getting started in art and drawing. These classes range from beginner and fun to serious and sublime. Both locations have classes and of course, all the supplies you would need to get started. Many of us harbor secret artistic desires. Forget the secret. Get started!

Udemy: We admit, it isn’t local. However, if you haven’t checked out this site you should. There are online courses for just about anything you would ever want to do, from simple learning of social media usage to the technical aspects of short coding in Word Press. Plus online music, history, math, and other interesting stuff. Udemy is an inexpensive and interesting way of gauging your interest in a topic prior to committing to a local teacher of trainer.


There are many places to go and revive our spirit. Our local churches, mosques, and synagogues offer a variety of programs and retreats to get us fully engaged in our new year. Likewise there are a variety of yoga and meditation studios that offer the same options. Finally, one of the greatest ways to revive a flagging spirit is to do something for someone else. There are dozens of local organizations that are looking for help, great and small. Although there are too many of these places to list, you can start by looking at some of our local guides. You can find some local charities here to begin looking for places to volunteer.

You can also find a pretty good list of fitness trainers, gyms, and yogo studios plus other shopping options here.

Finally, reviving our spirit is may just be a matter of getting out of a rut. Trying something new or retrying something we use to enjoy can be one of the best way to wake up the soul.  A simple walk through and one of the branches of the Toledo-Lucas County Library, Wood County Library, or Way Library may be all it takes to start us on a new soulful journey. Or you can just go to something new, like a performance, play, or sporting event just to get out of the routine. Our community if filled with spiritual renewal opportunities.

There is no reason to “go it alone” to achieve you goals. Our local culture is replete with help, opportunity and adventure. If there is on resolution to make, make the resolution to reach out and join your neighbors on the path of life long growth.