S.O.S. {Shoppers On Site}, Fall and Small Edition, 11/4/16


By Candace Byington and Chris Watson

A great round up this week of all things fall and pumpkin spice plus a first look at another Toledo area classic market.  This week’s round up includes Toledo Market, The Anderson’s, Kazmaier’s, and Monnette’s.

Toledo Market

Located directly across from The University of Toledo, this small area market has been around for a long time. Primarily known for having an excellent selection of both lamb and goat in their meat department it is really so much more.  An amazing array of spices, sauces, and sweets adorn their shelves.  A respectable Middle Eastern bakery plus some great and hard to find products both in their deli case and along their shelves.  Make sure to check out their selection of dates and nuts for a different snack tray on game day!

The Anderson’s and Kazmaier’s

Now that Halloween has passed many retailers are decking the halls and shelves with festive trees and trimmings. This activity happens every November leaving many to feel that Thanksgiving has been bypassed. This is not the case at the local markets. In recent years traditional Autumn or thanksgiving flavors like Pumpkin have become very trendy resulting in a many unlikely food products being transformed into Pumpkin Spice delights. There is further evidence to suggest that the popularity of Halloween is possessing the food aisle beyond traditional chocolate treats. At The Anderson’s in Maumee and Kazmaier’s in Perrysburg the lingering spirit of Halloween lurks alongside the magic of the Pumpkin Spice fairy. These spirits of autumn have enchanted many snacks, cereals, cheees and wines to name a few.

The Anderson’s carries traditional home grown autumn side dishes like butternut and acorn squash and desserts from caramel apples to pumpkin rolls in tiny single serve portions. The store has been bewitched by the spirit of Halloween, especially in the beer and wine aisle. Enthusiasts of the spooky will enjoy wines and beer inspired by Dia de Los Muertos, vampires and witches brew. Lovers of all things Pumpkin Spice can add a bit of seasonal flair to their favorite adult beverage with a wide range of Pumpkin Spice liqueurs and beers. The pumpkin spice fairy has also waved her wand upon goat cheese, cereal, coffee, potato chips and other snacks at the Anderson’s. The store also has unusual cheeses-toffee, cinnamon cranberry and chai-that pair well with dessert wines for the holidays.

Across the river at the Kazmaier’s in Perrysburg not only can you order a fresh turkey for Thanksgiving, you can also find other pumpkin spice and fall inspired flavors in unlikely items. Bread, yogurt, locally made pasta, and ice cream have been transformed to fit the season. The store also has fresh Brussels sprouts and broccoli crowns this week. In the beer aisle Oktoberfest fest lives on.

The Anderson’s



Always a great visit with lots of excellent produce at Monnette’s.  This week we want to feature Kretschmar meats.  We have tried both the off the bone turkey and ham and they are amazing, reasonably priced, deli meats.  Plus check out all the stir fry possibilities this week.