S.O.S. {Shoppers On Site} 9/9/2016


By Chris Watson

A great round up of our local markets.  We open with an exploration of Deepam India, an Indian Deli and Food Market on Central Ave.  We check out the cascade of locally grown products flooding Monnettes and take a peak at Fresh Thyme and Fresh Market to finish up the week.

Deepam India

Located at 7406 W. Central, Deepam India is a straight forward ethnic focused market.  Replete with spices, both familiar and unique, staples like lentils, flours and rices, plus a host of sauces, chutneys, and currys too numerous to list.  A small fresh deli counter, frozen case, produce section, and good selection of organic products round out this sub continent focused market.


With a new rival to Boars Head, Monnettes has expanded their deli meat selection.  Plus they are bursting with fresh local produce, all of it ripe, ready, and fabulous.  We stop by our closest Monnettes two or three times a week.

Fresh Thyme

We are particularly fascinated by the Fresh Thyme bulk section, something which has gone out of style at the mega marts.  However, for the smaller household it is a blessing.  No longer are we stuck with five pounds of something we need a cup of.  Plus the theme of Fresh Thyme is nice, with more “organic” and “natural” products, from foods to cosmetics.

Fresh Market

Flowers, King Salmon, Michigan blueberries, Dino Eggs, and S’more candy corn.  Fresh Market is nothing if not eclectic.