S.O.S. {Shoppers on Site} 5/13

Our regular feature highlighting local markets and services that cater to our sized households.

Even with our review of area farmers markets and our work on gathering details  for Toledo Area Festival Information (TAFI) that doesn’t mean we have neglected to take a look at our great local markets.  This week we visited The Fresh Market, The Andersons (Maumee), Walt Churchill’s Market (Perrysburg), and Monnette’s (Secor).  

The Fresh Market

Always replete with interesting choices this week at The Fresh Market we found some interesting things that pivot to salads or grilling out or both.  Check out the selection of “grilling” planks in different flavors, marble rye croutons for salad, Cindy’s dressings, and handsome and small packaged pork tenderloins along with other great choices.

The Andersons

Anderson’s never lacks for good things to highlight.  Fish looked particularly good this week.  Unlike most shrimp skewers sold in markets, these are constructed from raw shrimp and ready for the grill.  Vidalia onions are back in season and The Andersons has multipack heirloom tomatoes that just look cool.  Finally, if you have a sunny corner, beautiful indoor and outdoor plants are available in the garden section.

Walt Churchill’s Market

WCM has truly stepped up its game when it comes to organic, non GMO, and gluten free products.  The markets simply teem with new and interesting choices each week.  Add to that WCM’s commitment to local and regional and this is a great place to shop.  We thought the organic “toaster pasties” (read here as pop tarts) were particularly fun.


Many forget that Monnette’s, certainly a good source for produce, is also a great retailer in areas like deli meat, cheese, and fresh spring plants.  Check out Boar’s Head chicken sausages, the potted herbs, and the “take and bake” cheese appetizers and Monnette’s.