S.O.S. {Shoppers on Site) 11/18/17

Our regular feature highlighting local markets and services that cater to our sized households.

By Chris Watson

A walk around some great local markets reveals a great stock up on Thanksgiving and in general holiday products.  Plus lots of fall products and locally grown items continue to make their presence known.  This week we take a look at The Anderson’s, Monnettes on Reynolds, Walt Churchill’s Market, and Fresh Market.

The Anderson’s

Let’s start with the Calphalon warehouse sale.  Now is definitely the time to replace old cookware.  Plus MacQueens cider in single serving containers, seafood sausage and sockeye salmon, loose Yukon Gold potatoes, and a whole host of the fall favorites.  The Anderson’s is getting ready for the long weekend and the holiday season.  Did we mention the Calphalon sale?

Monnettes on Reynolds

At Monnettes you have specialty sweet potatoes, sprouts on the stalk, genuine old fashion sorghum, a whole host of local apples, and tindora.  Plus a whole bunch of other stuff including in house baked pies. Just go to Monnettes.  It is an adventure.

Walt Churchill’s Market

WCM is just one of our favorite places.  Lets start with our favorite soup base appearing in turkey.  Add to that dilled salmon on the salad bar, roasted sprouts in the deli, something decadent looking called pumpkin lava cake, and a whole host of other interesting products and there is no downside to a visit to WCM!  Also, check out WCM’s centennial label wine.

Fresh Market

Besides having a couple of great looking seafood selection along with high end turkeys, Fresh Market is also gearing up for the holiday season with baskets, plants, bulbs, and bouquets.