S.O.S. {Shoppers on Site}, Fish Edition

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By Candace Byington and Chris Watson

Our area doesn’t have have a plethora of seafood shops but the ones we have are very good.  We highlight this week some of the areas finest, starting with Walt Churchill’s.  Besides their seafood case WCM has an excellent selection of fish an seafood cooking ideas, including marinades, rubs, and other creative ways of getting your fish on Friday’s or any other day of the week.  We also list three other places for seafood that are familiar to our area, Rohr’s, Fresh Market, and just over the border in Erie MI, The Fish Market.  Finally, a new player in town Crab Island on Reynolds has some seafood selection available but will also cook it up for you to go.

Walt Churchill’s Market

Lent is upon us. Time to slow down and moderate our habits and diets. The practice of eating fish on Ash Wednesday and Friday is held by many and local markets have a variety of fish and fish based snacks to fulfill the demand. Walt Churchill’s Market in Maumee can be a one stop destination for all things from the ocean for quick lunches or simple meals during Lent.
Each day at the market there is a seafood based soup available in the at the seafood counter. In addition there is a daily vegetarian option in the soup section. Crab salad can be found on the salad bar and varieties of seafood dip can be found at the seafood counter. If you need a quick light snack there is sushi to go daily. You will also find an assortment of single serve salads that pair well with most fish dishes. The market has fresh seafood from salmon to shrimp. There are various brands of frozen, cooked shrimp and muscles. If you’re feeling adventurous there’s even frozen parts of octopus. Cedar planks for the grill and rubs are available along side of batter mixes.


Rohr’s Fish Market

5226 Monroe St, Toledo  419.843.4472

They have been around Toledo for ever.  They are excellent, knowledgeable, and always ready to take things from the sea!

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Fresh Market

Not a huge seafood case but a respectable one.  Plus the people are always willing to talk seafood. A hidden bonus?  Their in case smoked salmon is amazing!

The Fish Market

6244 Telegraph Rd, Erie MI  734.847.8420

It doesn’t matter where you live, The Fish Market is worth the drive.


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Crab Island

5151 Hill Ave, Toledo  567.318.5356

Mostly a “to go” place and sold by the pound, you can get raw fish and seafood as well.  Fairly new and growing.

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