S.O.S. {Shoppers on Site} 12/2/16

Our regular feature highlighting local markets and services that cater to our sized households.

By Chris Watson

We had a great week looking around our local markets, finding some hidden local gems amongst the ever growing holiday favorites popping up in our markets.  This week we walked through Monnettes on Secor, Walt Churchill’s Market, Food Town, and Fresh Market.

Monnettes on Secor

There is always so much to check out at Monnettes.  Besides right sized fruit cake and poinsettias, holiday grapes, Brazilian ginger, holiday grapes, and a broad selection of local dressing and dips.  Monnettes is always a great shopping experience.

Walt Churchill’s Market

Good looking tuna, mandarin oranges, and potatoes.  Plus we can’t recommend WCM unique salad bar highly enough.  Add to that in house made pizza, regional cheese, wine, and really good looking and tasting cookies.

Food Town

Maybe one of the most overlooked markets in town. Besides being a perfect “quick shop” and easy to navigate markets, Food Town has a surprising number of hard to find local made products.  Easily worth a walk through.

Fresh Market

One wouldn’t think that Fresh Market should be on your holiday gift shopping stops but think again.  With coffees and holiday breads at the forefront, plus Comice pears (the kind you get in overpriced delivery gift baskets), Fresh Market serves up some of the best selections of the week.  For that fancy dinner check out all THREE colors of asparagus.