S.O.S. {Shoppers On Site}, Breakfast Edition, 9/16/16


By Candace Byington and Chris Watson

This week we focus on breakfast and three great markets to acquire the vital staples to eat right first thing in the morning.  We look at The Anderson’s, Walt Churchill’s Market, and Fresh Thyme.

The Anderson’s

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you will unique items to start the day off right at The Anderson’s. Fresh raspberries blackberries, plums and nectarines are on special this week. If you are on the go check out their deviled eggs in the deli sandwich section. If you have more time and crave a hot breakfast the Anderson’s carries several varieties of pancake and waffle mix in traditional or gluten free and in flavors like pecan. Top your warm moist waffles with flavors of syrup like strawberry or boysenberry. If toast with jam is your preference visit the bakery to find fresh bread and check out unique jams spreads including one that is bacon based. Are you a bacon lover? You will find the savory meat treat in varieties of beef and turkey. Or keep it lean with vegetarian Gimme Lean soy sausage. Is cold cereal your thing? Check out a the decadent twist on granola, Chunky Choclate and other flavors.

Walt Churchill’s Market

If you are on the run or looking for items for a cozy, relaxing breakfast check out Walt Churchill’s Market in Maumee. This week you will find an array of fresh produce, baked breads and other tradition treats. Make hearty French toast with WCM’s own multigrain bread and top it with their Ohio grown maple syrup. If you prefer homemade pancakes or waffles they have traditional mixes or gluten free as well as fruit flavors. Enjoy WCM’s Canadian bacon on English muffin breakfast sandwiches if you like lighter fare. If you prefer sweets with your coffee check out the cinnamon rolls and apple donuts. Brunch lovers on the run will enjoy their assortment of freshly made deli wraps and sandwiches like egg salad.

Fresh Thyme

Fresh Thyme is rapidly becoming a fixture if you are shopping for healthy product in the right quantities.  Besides a great bulk section check out their bulk sausages, specialty sausages and bacons, gluten free mixes, alternatives milks, and although we normally wouldn’t recommend frozen anything, an amazing selection of frozen “breakfast on the go” products that are far superior to anything at the mega-mart.