Our regular feature highlighting local markets and services that cater to our sized households.
We looked at three great markets this week. Fresh Market, Sautter’s, and The Anderson’s (Maumee). All had beautiful summer bounty as the fresh is finally starting to parade in from farms.
One of the overlooked areas of Fresh Market is their floral/plant department. Check out the mini sunflowers. Plus interesting tonics, drinks, and produce.
Beautiful Foses at Fresh Market
Fresh Market actually has a wide variety of potted plants for home decorating
Nice mini varietal sunflowers at Fresh Market
Cherries are still showing up. Fresh Market has really good looking ones this week
Nice looking and priced nectarines at Fresh Market
Yellow peaches at Fresh Market. They won’t be around much longer
Not sure how “healthy” theses tonics are at Fresh Market but check out the flavors!
Kevin’s just had cool flavors for health drinks. At Fresh Market
Cook and ready to ice coffee Drinks. From Chameleon at Fresh Market
Found sparkling water at Fresh Market. Why drink boring?
With lots of summer activity Fresh Market has a wide variety of meal bars in singles
Remember Cracker Jacks? Fresh Market has the upscale version…
We just couldn’t stop taking pictures this week at Sautter’s! Cookie pizza, Schmucker’s mini pies, cherry juice, Michigan hibiscus and more and more and….We just love Sautter’s plus a second mention for Schmucker’s pies.
Michigan Hibiscus available at Sautter’s Market
Clearance on all patio Pots at Sautter’s. These look beautiful
We always find at least one cool new chips or crips at Sautter’s.
Local honey at Sautter’s. Check out the Buckwheat!
Tired of old apples? Sautter’s is carrying new crop Honeycrisp
A new regionally produced dressing at Sautter’s
Sautter’s has a good selection of loose vegetables, like radishes, turnips and beets
Sautter’s strives to bring in new micro brews
Sautter’s cheese case is always worth a peek. This week Parm
Sautter’s is now carrying locally produced mini pies from Schmucker’s
Petite pecan rolls from Sautter’s bakery
There is nothing objectionable about cookie pizza from Sautter’s. Except the slices aren’t bigger…..
Schmucker’s cream pies at Sautter’s
Schmucker’s chocolate peanut butter mini pie at Sautter’s
A twist on coleslaw from Sautter’s
Cherry Concentrate from Sautter’s.
Grain free granola from Sautter’s. Check out the flavors
Nellie and Joes Lemonade from Sautter’s.
Sautter’s has increased its line of locally produced Carfagna’s pasta sauces
Homemade Italian Sausage from the meat department at Sautter’s
No need to pick boring, large batch pickles for summer picnics. Sautter’s has a wide variety available
Black Swamp BBQ sauce now available at Sautter’s
Lots of locally produced sauces available at Sautter’s
Sautter’s is carrying Granola Tree jams in some great flavors
When it comes to seeking out interesting, non mass produced sauces, Sautter’s is a leader
We also couldn’t stop ourselves from finding things at The Anderson’s. Bacon ketchup, toaster cornbread, dessert cheese balls….Plus great local produce and so much more.
Bunt cake The Anderson’s
Wonderful looking blackberries at The Anderson’s
The Anderson’s is finally getting in summer crop local grown produce
Peaches are still in season at The Anderson’s
We make them in December. Marsha allows us to enjoy them in July. From The Anderson’s
Peppers both hot and sweet The Anderson’s
Mangos at The Anderson’s. Salsa?
Black Grapes are priced right and taste wonderful at The Anderson’s
Garlic Expressions is on sale at The Anderson’s. One of our local favorites!
Yuengling BBQ The Anderson’s
Bacon ketchup at the Anderson’s. Who knew?
Hidden amongst the full aisles at The Anderson’s are interesting rubs and mixes.
It might be too hot to bake cornbread but to too hot to enjoy it. Toaster cornbread at The Anderson’s
Naan Crisps The Anderson’s
BLT Cheeseball? We are IN. At The Andersn’s
Wind and Willow mixes at The Anderson’s
Dessert cheese balls. Mixes from The Andersn’s
Garlic and Vegtable paste for cooking along the spice aisle at The Anderson’s
The Anderson’s has a growing variety of snack mixes from Utz. Great for traveling or picnic snacks
The Anderson’s is developing a new “prickle bar”. The first three selections…
Velvet ice cream is on sale at The Anderson’s
Potato salad, spicy and cheesy, from the deli at The Anderson’s
Cherries still available at The Anderson’s. The won’t be around much longer!