S.O.S. {Shoppers on Site} 6/3

Our regular feature highlighting local markets and services that cater to our sized households.

We introduce a new specialty market this week, Dragon Supermarket, a recent addition to the specialty market pantheon here in the area.  Plus we visited Walt Churchill’s Market (Briarfield), Sutter’s, and Fresh Market.

Dragon Supermarket

Located at 40 S Reynolds the Dragon Supermarket is the new kid in the specialty market arena but already making a name for itself.  We simply can not describe all of the dry goods and pastas they have available.  Plus they are developing a respectable specialty produce section along with all of the usual favorites of spices, seasonings, and sauces we expect from a Asian market.  Definitely worth a visit.

Walt Churchill’s Market

Always a great walk through but the fish skewers, recipe sized fresh herbs, and specialty dry rubs and salts particularly caught our eye.  Plus WCM deli is always good with a summer salad inspired by co-owner Lois.  Also, Food Truck Friday…..


We just love Sautter’s.  It is the perfect combination of small, quickly navigated home town store with just enough local, organic, and specialty products to keep our interest.  As for local, Schmucker’s mini pies are now available at Sautter’s.

Fresh Market

Fresh Market never disappoints.  Two good looking fish choices plus chemical free charcoal and always a series of interesting drinks.  There is no reason to settle for plain Mt. Dew with the selection at Fresh Market.