Located at 40 S Reynolds the Dragon Supermarket is the new kid in the specialty market arena but already making a name for itself. We simply can not describe all of the dry goods and pastas they have available. Plus they are developing a respectable specialty produce section along with all of the usual favorites of spices, seasonings, and sauces we expect from a Asian market. Definitely worth a visit.
Fermented Soybeans at Dragon Supermarket
Noodles, and more noodles at Dragon Supermarket. Their selection is amazing
Dried seaweed at Dragon Supermarket
One of many different style of roll wrappings at Dragon Supermarket
Pork skins and Dragon Supermarket
There is almost too much pasta styles at Dragon Supermarket to list or picture
Noodles at Dragon Supermarket. We are running out of descriptors for this markets selection
Banana in a jar?!? Who knew? At Dagon Supermarket
Fish Sauce at Dragon Supermarket. They also have a large variety of other sauces
Dragon Supermarket
You never know what you will find at a specialty market. At Dragon Supermarket
Chinese Celery at Dragon Supermarket. Check out how leafy and small the stalks are.
Always a great walk through but the fish skewers, recipe sized fresh herbs, and specialty dry rubs and salts particularly caught our eye. Plus WCM deli is always good with a summer salad inspired by co-owner Lois. Also, Food Truck Friday…..
Simple and clean yogurt and ice cream toppings at WCM
Topors pickles out of Detroit. At WCM
French soda at WCM
We have no idea what these peppers are but the look cool. At WCM
Beautiful 4 year old white cheddar at WCM
Not cheap but very interesting mushrooms at WCM
Called “recipe” size, fresh herbs at the right price and size via WCM
These grinder salts look amazing and perfect for grilling at WCM
Food Truck Friday at WCM? We are In!
Check out the fish skewers at WCM
Interesting dry rubs to experiment with at WCM
This just looks delicious at WCM deli. Good price as well
Local Asparagus has been hard to find. This looks good at WCM
We just love Sautter’s. It is the perfect combination of small, quickly navigated home town store with just enough local, organic, and specialty products to keep our interest. As for local, Schmucker’s mini pies are now available at Sautter’s.
Schmucker’s mini pies are now at Sautter’s. Just enough for two!
MoonRocks snacks at Sautter’s. It looks a lot like Cracker Jacks only better
Pepperidge Farm breads are on sale at Sautter’s. This German Dark looks amazing
Plymouth artisan cheese in lots of flavors at Sautter’s
Amish baked goods at Sautter’s. Lots of variety and size options
Eggs at Sautter’s
Miltons Gluten free chips at Sautter’s
Sautter’s is the only place we have found this style of Flat-out.
Finally back in season Cantaloupe is back at Sautter’s
Fresh Market never disappoints. Two good looking fish choices plus chemical free charcoal and always a series of interesting drinks. There is no reason to settle for plain Mt. Dew with the selection at Fresh Market.
There is no reason to just drink soda this summer. Fizzy drinks at Fresh Market
We just love artisan and varietal tomatoes. These look great at Fresh Market
Feel good pears at Fresh Market. They will soon be out of season
Peaches are always an early summer favorite. These were the best we found this week at Fresh Market
Our two fish picks of the week. Hockey salmon and cod at Fresh Market
Premium and natural Charcoal at Fresh Market. When grilling small it is a great option