Our regular feature highlighting local markets and services that cater to our sized households.
Some really interesting things in our local markets this week along with the beginning of some seasonal pickings. Our shoppers seemed to be enamored with cheeses this week. When you see what they found you will know why. We visited Sofo’s Market, The Anderson’s (Maumee), Fresh Market, and Monnette’s (Secor)
Always good pickings from our iconic Italian market. Two particular highlights have to be the large variety of size and shapes available for pizza dough and something that is often overlooked at Sofo’s, a respectable wine selection.
Sofia’s always has great Italian and european cheeses. This provolone looked really good
Cheese Curds at Sofo’s. Cheese in its purest and simplest form
From the Sofo’s bakery, “Chop Blocks” or as we call it really delicious bread
Sofia’s doesn’t over promote their wine selection but they should. A much better and interesting selection than a mega mart
Sofia’s doesn’t just have one type of pizza dough. they have a large variety of sizes available
Sofia’s always has a good selection of Italian meats and cheeses. Citterio is a great brand with broad variety
Panettone at Sofo’s
Just in time for spring pasta salads. Check out Cora Banana and Red Peppers at Sofo’s
Two for a dollar eggs and strawberry shortcake mousse. We are not sure if there is a theme but at Monnette’s who cares. They are always worth walking through.
Strawberry Shortcake Mousse at Monnette’s.
2 for a dollar LARGE eggs. Well worth it at Monnette’s. Egg salad anyone?
Cocktail tomatoes are a bit like Roma’s. They are smaller and most importantly RIPE at Monnette’s
Broccoli is well priced at Monnette’s
We don’t know how much longer these will be around. Try a blood orange at Monnette’s
Smaller, “right sized” avocados at Monnette’s. Good price as well
“Schoolboy” size apples. In other words, medium sized apples at Monnette’s. Wide variety available.
Perfect sized watermelon at Monnettes. These “baby” melons are really sweet as well