Submission Guidelines

Right Size Publishing, LTD accepts submissions for it’s current publications including These submissions are outside of the normal “comment” areas of our publications. To submit an article, recipe, product or service review, and/or other appropriate material follow these guidelines:

  1. Initial submissions must be in proposal format of no more than 200 words. DO NOT SEND completed material.
  2. Submissions must come in the body of an email, NOT ATTACHMENTS. They must include your proposal (including your estimated length in words), your full name, address, contact phone number, and how soon the proposal can be completed for publication (in general you should be ready to produce the submission within 10 days of submitting).  All emails with attachments will be deleted without review.
  3. Place the Title “Proposal from [full name]” in the subject header.  Example:  “Proposal from Jane Smith”.
  4. Submissions and articles must be family friendly and safe in content. Right Size Publishing, LTD is the sole adjudicator in what is considered appropriate for our publications
  5. Submissions should be of local interest or of direct interest to our readers. They should not be veiled sales pitches (as in tupperware is great, come join our growing sales team) or solicitations. In other words, read the publications you wish to submit to carefully before proposing articles.
  6. Submissions must be original and never been published before.
  7. In general submissions will only be considered of a length of less than 1000 words. We are currently using a magazine style format.
  8. Fiction of any kind is not currently being accepted.
  9. Limit the number of submissions in a given time frame. In addition, limit the number of repeat proposals. Repeated, constant, and automated email submissions will be screened out and market as spam. (This means that your “good” proposals will be cleared out as well).
  10. We do pay for articles. Interest in your submission does NOT imply guarantee of payment. You will be informed if your proposal is accepted and the pay scale in a clear communication that will include format, word count, photography (if required), video or audio (if required), and hard deadline.
  11. Submission DOES NOT imply originality of idea. Right Size Publishing, LTD receives many submissions and also has an in house creative staff. Many article and submission topics are shared throughout the writing and publication community. Submission of a proposal does not imply content ownership of the article basis or idea.
  12. Do not put hyperlinks, tags, or or meta tag suggestions in the proposal. In other words, keep your proposal “clean.” All other publication relevant information and suggestions will be requested after your proposal is accepted for publication.

All submissions to and articles published by Right Size Publishing, LTD are the sole property of the company. Accepting of payment implies that the ownership of the published material (properly credited) has been transferred to Right Size Publishing, LTD. Articles after publication may be republished but ONLY with the written permission of the publisher.

Send submission proposals to: